The Girl with the Bracelets | Teen Ink

The Girl with the Bracelets

January 10, 2014
By Jammie BRONZE, Kentwood, Michigan
Jammie BRONZE, Kentwood, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Feelings kept inside for way too long
End up being pushed into physical force
The one you thought was always happy
has a totally different side to her
Laughter, smiles, and happiness was just the cover of the story (feel)
She laughed at every word you said (sound), she smiled at the sight of you
However, you didn't seem to notice
You were the reason she kept herself awake every morning
the reason to show up to school
Flirty floral fragrance (alliteration) was what she wore everyday just to impress you
To make you see her as maybe someone beautiful
But you turned her away
One day you noticed she was wearing a lot more braces (sight)
More than her usual two
Days go by and you see her, her eyes are like puffy dyed cotton (simile)
Falling beneath her eyes with a sense of lack of sleep
Weeks go by and she's no longer going to school everyday
But when she does a new bracelet gets added onto her arms
Her friends no longer talk to her
The taste of happiness has now passed (taste)
Her laughter was a harmony (metaphor) but hasn't been played for what seemed like decades
Months pass and the snow has fallen while the skies dimmer with fatigue (personification)
Whoosh! (onomatopoeia) The smell of the wind wasn't so light. (smell)
She hasn't gone to school for what seems like weeks, maybe months?
You approach her porch, hands in pockets, face red and crumpling
She's forever gone. The girl with the bracelets who's adored me for so long, is now gone,
The girl with the bracelets.

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