Paper | Teen Ink


March 11, 2014
By annabrewer_ SILVER, Prichard, West Virginia
annabrewer_ SILVER, Prichard, West Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I find more patience, sympathy, and wisdom
in paper
than in brainless humans.
In that manner,
no one object can
hold the relationship I carry
with paper.

Perhaps it is due to
the laughs and giggles that
lessen the amount of heartfelt conversation
I crave.
Paper is always there, never to sprout legs
and walk away.
Blank sheets speak to me the most - With limitless amounts of possibilities, yet holds one soul purpose -
Aside from the blank sheets
that I spill my place my soul on,
I love reading the souls
of others.

You can spill out your
soul and it still lays
without a judgement.

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