Scars | Teen Ink


March 17, 2014
By Aj.Neuhardt GOLD, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Aj.Neuhardt GOLD, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
19 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Come walk with me and help me cause trouble

Some heal over time
Others still hurt
Everytime we see them
It hurts me to see the red lines
On your wrists and thighs
He was 15 years old
A product of two moms
Grew up in a world of hate
He turned out to be gay
Not because he was raised
By two moms
But because
He was born that way
She was nine
Her world got flipped turned upside down
She was told she was adopted
They told her she was found on a door step
She felt alone
Grade nine she tried to run away
When a guy she had liked since kindergarten
Told her to go kill herself
Now they lie awake every night
Not counting sheep
But counting their scars
Everyday he gets beat up
And comes home to two loving moms
Who heal his wounds
Everyday she pops pills
So she doesn’t have to feel anything
One day she decided that she was done
And that night her dad found
Her in the bath tub
One day he decided that
He wasn’t going to fight back
His boyfriend found him
By the dumpster behind the school
Covered in bruises from head to toe
They ask how could this happen?
Why were they treated different just
Because of where they came from?
Because in this world you
Ether step on people
Or get stepped on
They died because they were
And if you are different
Yell it from the roof tops
Because if we outnumber them
They are the odd ones out
Show your scars no matter
How much it hurts
Because your scars is
What made you

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