Jeans and a Sweater | Teen Ink

Jeans and a Sweater

April 14, 2014
By winchester83 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
winchester83 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The purpose of literature is to turn blood into ink." -T.S. Elliot

I was cleaning my room one day in jeans and a sweater, rifling through old things and clothes that no longer fit. And then I found it.

It was your favorite shirt. You wore it the day we went to the state fair and you bought a rainbow bracelet from that guy that so obviously had a crush on you.

And you wore it the day I dragged you to the Renaissance Faire and you actually ended up having a good time.

You wore it the day we went to see that awful movie that I sat through for you. And that day we went to the pool with our friends.

And you threw it at me that morning we fought about your mom and about how you had to tell her about me. About us.

And as I ran to catch you, to tell you I was sorry, it fell to the ground where it stayed until the day I cleaned my room in jeans and a sweater.

But, by then, you were already gone.

The author's comments:
This piece, though it is simple from the outside,grapples with the issues of loss, remembering, and coming out in the LGBTQ community. It means a lot to me.

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