Something Ought to be Done | Teen Ink

Something Ought to be Done

April 27, 2014
By HistoryLover BRONZE, Eagan, Minnesota
HistoryLover BRONZE, Eagan, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.

Something ought to be done
Will you be the one
the one who changes all that can be changed
or the one who stands by and watches
as the forests are deranged
no longer do they use hatchets
today they use gadgets
leaving the trees
leaving the bees
leaving the people to wheeze
dieing without even being buried in
Dieing without notice
Dieing without care
Dieing without us even realizing
the burden or the bear
of the hot air so polluted that
soon there will be none left to share
This is not another red scare
this is reality
Where brutality thrives and
normality survives
Although I follow no formalities
I have a sense of morality
Do you?
Something ought to be done
what you may ask?
first we must raise our sails past half mast
and embrace the sorrowful wind that often lacks
then we must fulfill the final task of what ought to be done:
to protect
not reject,
not neglect,
before there are none.

The author's comments:
The largest inspiration for this piece is the fact that we continually destroy what's around us in the name of the progress of man, or the progress of ourselves.

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