Your Forest | Teen Ink

Your Forest

May 5, 2014
By Bernie3 SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Bernie3 SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You told me,
It’ll take time but you’ll get over me.
Last weekend, I visited a cemetery,
Along it’s skirts was a forest of
Leafless trees stretching their limbs towards the sky.
I decided to take a trip inside,
Just as like I decided to be involved with you.
Neither seemed as threatening as they truly were.
I clambered over fallen branches and
Vines that stretched from trees like anacondas
Scanning the forest floor.
Thoughtlessly, I stammered into both
Without an end in sight.
A blurred horizon, a wall of trees.
I never expected to get lost within either.
After an hour of navigating past
Thirsty dryads screaming at the sky for rain.
I realized I was trapped
As I had two-weeks in with you.
I scanned the edges of the forest for any sign
Of civilization, a skyline, a car, nothing.
So, I hyperventilated and sprinted across
The dead leaves to an end I couldn’t find.
The crackling of leaves like bones filled my ears,
A demented lullaby.
After another hour or so, I made my way back
With scratches, and scrapes, and missing one shoe,
Just as I had with you.
Both left me with nightmares that swim around in my head
Like a goldfish cycles in its bowl, no end in sight.
But its alright, right?
Because you told me,
It’ll take time but you’ll get over me.
It took me two hours to escape the
Arms of the forest,
Yet, I don’t believe I’ll ever escape the memories of you.

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