The End is Near | Teen Ink

The End is Near

May 14, 2014
By mindofthelabyrinth SILVER, Pilot Point, Texas
mindofthelabyrinth SILVER, Pilot Point, Texas
9 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;&#039;There&#039;s only one thing that&#039;s universal.&#039;<br /> &#039;What&#039;s that?&#039;<br /> &#039;The truth.&#039;&quot;<br /> -Deadline by Chris Crutcher

For some reason I never thought a year would end so quickly
The end was always so very far away, I never realized that we would soon part ways; Never comprehended what would soon be goodbye
Cry, cry, crying out in my mind, the pain in my heart is immense, the tears in my eyes burn
And tonight will be the night everything changes, everything in my world will freeze for those last few seconds when the clock hits twelve
I'll be waiting for that text that will finally bring me back down to reality
We didn't have enough time...
Never enough time.

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