I wanted you back then | Teen Ink

I wanted you back then

May 12, 2014
By nicolechanel BRONZE, Sugar Land, Texas
nicolechanel BRONZE, Sugar Land, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When you walk into a room
I couldn't look you in the eyes
though i still go out of my way
to find you through a crowd

Just law summer, we sat in your ford truck doing nothing but that
your treatment was special
until i saw it was the way you talked
you say its to late now, you always find a way to mention it
I wanted you back then
I don't even know why
you act like its no big deal
just like you do with everything

Laying on the cold cement
in the dim of the moonlight
the pain in my flat feet
i kept running towards you
i wanted to go home
but id just be wanting you next to me if i did
i could keep going for hours on how i feel about you
this wont matter years from now
when your mind stops thinking of me
and starts thinking of someone else

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