Breathless | Teen Ink


May 19, 2014
By sofirrr BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
sofirrr BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

softly swirling
gently gliding past
the grey buildings that soar high up to the clouds and peak towards the face of heaven
they are just out of reach of the angels whom shovel up the small white crystals and send them down to earth
they slide among the clouds and dance with the wind a small soft ballad
when closer to the ground they start to melt and gently say goodbye to the sky and the soft hands of the air
they spread themselves along the rigid ground
where they meet their final resting place
so the cycle can start again.

The author's comments:
I have always liked to write poetry and I love to create things that bring something simple (like a New England snowfall) to life.

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