Mirrors | Teen Ink


May 17, 2014
By Briahnna BRONZE, Summerville, South Carolina
Briahnna BRONZE, Summerville, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The worst part of acting isn't when I am, it's when I'm not." -Dakota Goyo

Reflecting our body back to us
We cringe at our hair
Our face
The makeup trying to cover up
Our perfect imperfections

That mirror is our enemy
Our friend
Showing our physique
Our hidden beauty
That we don’t see

But that mirror
Standing in front of us
Is the only reason
That we hide ourselves
For being beautiful

It’s simple really
We see ourselves
And think we are ugly
Because of some model
In a magazine

But in truth we are all
The most perfect we can be
And the most perfect
We will ever be
If we all stopped looking in the mirror
And looked into ourselves
As one

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this poem by the thought of the bullying that happens all around us in high schools and the outside world. Everyone seems to see themselves as something different than they really are, and it is hard for us to understand how everyone is an equal. So, I wrote this poem in hopes to spread a sort of message to us teenagers who don't believe in ourselves and our own beautiful bodies, and show everyone just how perfect and beautiful we all are.

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