The Lights | Teen Ink

The Lights

May 21, 2014
By thatbandsfan BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
thatbandsfan BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Bullies are like sandpaper. They may cut and scratch you, but in the end we wind up polished they wind up useless."
-Kurt Hummel, "Glee"

Sparkling, shimmering, shining,
lighting the path ahead.
Everyone else spends their whole life,
searching for the light at the end.
While here it is, burning bright,
right in front of me.

Suddenly, the lights begin to sing,
singing me to sleep,
and comforting me while I weep.
They burn, like torches in a race,
as I approach the end,
crossing the finish line.

These lights, my gentle monster.
For some lights burn, like a furnace.
Others destroy, like a wildfire.
But not mine, for they are gentle and loving.
Grasping me with arms open wide,
as if to never let me lose my way.

The author's comments:
This is a poem I wrote for my creative writing class. Hope you enjoy, and I would LOVE to hear what you have to say. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is gladly accepted!!

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