Crescendo | Teen Ink


May 21, 2014
By DayBreak SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
DayBreak SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s not so hard,
When you look like a tub of lard,
Can’t sing like a bard,
Don’t have a nice yard,
It cuts like a shard,
Hits too hard,

Just need to go,
With the flow,
Sometimes you blow,
Up and the days slow,

Tempo, ritardando,
Hit hard and know,
An innuendo, to throw,

You off,
They scoff and taunt,
Their laughter haunts,

It’s not so hard,
To play on,
Stay on,

With a ratta-tat-clack,
A ratta-tat-smack,
Cut the slack &,

End the strife,
Move on with life,

Find a new light,
That might,
End the fight,
A new flight,
To what’s right,

And wrong,
For so long,
Bing! Bang! Bong!

Wait for the right song,
To play along,
Hop on,
And play on,

It’s not so hard.

The author's comments:
This poem is essentially about bullying and music and the escape that music provides as an outlet and magnificent miracle in our world.

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