Perfection | Teen Ink


May 23, 2014
By Emmagirl BRONZE, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
Emmagirl BRONZE, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I saw a shimmery glare creeping from my drawer
It was all ready my birthday, so what more
I opened the drawer with a surprised look on my face
I saw a pink flatiron in a black case
When I took it out and turned it on I saw steam in the air
I couldn't wait to use it on my hair

When I looked in the mirror my hair was no longer curly
My hair is now straight for all eternity
My hair was as soft as a cloud
I knew my screeching was pretty loud
I Kept it down a notch, trying not to yell
But I thought that my luck had came from a wishing well

I unplugged the flatiron with sorrow
But I know that I will use it again tomorrow
I couldn't believe what has just been done
It was like sunshine shooting its ray from the sun
I can't believe I was so terrified
But now look at me, I am so satisfied

I will have to thank my mom for her love and pleasure
That now I have a remarkable treasure
I have jumped, I have begged for many of years
But then when I got one, then came the tears
I happen use it everyone morning
My brothers think that it is quite annoying
Before I had one, my hair would stop traffic
But that that I got one, it is pure magic

I have to say it caught me by surprise
I couldn't believe she got me one this size
When picture day is here
I will finally be able to cheer
I will give myself a round of applause
And I will let the wind blow my hair up into the stars
I go from living in denial
To living in style

The author's comments:
My inspiration to write this poem was all for straight hair. My hair is very curly and for those with curly and frizzy hair, it gets annoying. When I run through my hair with that flatiron its like I'm in a whole new world with non frizziness. Thats why I decided to write this poem.

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