Where I'm from | Teen Ink

Where I'm from

June 2, 2014
By peomgirl101 BRONZE, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
peomgirl101 BRONZE, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm from a firm rod and strict hand
I'm from the footsteps of others, always following
I'm from the lessons and learned before, growing wiser
The hand-me-downs and reused jokes
I'm from the the jumbo pot of pasta getting reheated,
the neighbors joining us for dinner
I'm from the one person trampoline with fifteen people on it,
never having a care in the world,
dashing out the door to play without bothering to wear shoes
I'm from the loud house, you couldn't miss
the one with the big red door
From inside all my secrets are stored
where all my siblings and i have sowed
From the mistakes made
I'm from the the house of which I am still learning

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