Young | Teen Ink


June 2, 2014
By IsabellaR. GOLD, Carmel Valley, California
IsabellaR. GOLD, Carmel Valley, California
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We are not naive,
We are hopeful.
We are the few who see the world for what it is.
The few who refuse to accept that this is the best that it gets.

It is not age that matters,
It is wisdom,
But because you’re too busy doing the math
Our opinions are dismissed.

We are the future,
And someday
The past.
We are spontaneous,

We can change the world
If you stop changing us.
If you stop looking down on us
From your throne of condescension,
And recognize us not for our strong bodies,
Tight skin,
Thick hair,
But for our beautiful minds.

We can run the race,
Just as well as anybody else.
We can leap the hurdles better.
If you want to make a difference,
Better the future,
Don’t start with board rooms,
Start with us.
Ask us.

We can unite toward a common goal,
Our eyes don’t see
The bolded words
We see only faces,
And allow words,
And thoughts,
And actions
To shape their features.

Don’t mind our age
Because that makes no difference.
See us as people.
See us as friends
Not the enemy.
Not the uncivilized barbarians
That live in the room at the end of the hall.
See us for our opinions.

Value us
Because we have something to offer.
Something golden,
And blooming in the perfume of creativity and nuance.
We are not insignificant others.
We tower,
We shout,
And we are bold.
We are,

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