I Crave an Impossible World | Teen Ink

I Crave an Impossible World

June 2, 2014
By OliviaPanarella BRONZE, Missoula, Montana
OliviaPanarella BRONZE, Missoula, Montana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I crave an impossibly perfect world.
Where no one gets hurt.
No one gets sick.
Or dies.
I crave a world
where no person will go to bed
I crave a world
where no parent
has to think of what their last words
to their child
will be.
I crave a world
where everybody
loves themselves and doesn’t
feel like they have to fit into
Society’s version of
I crave a world
where no family
will receive a letter saying that
their loved one isn’t coming home.
I crave
I crave
I crave an impossibly perfect world.

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