Five Senses | Teen Ink

Five Senses

June 7, 2014
By hashpotate SILVER, Montoursville, Pennsylvania
hashpotate SILVER, Montoursville, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Whisper a dangerous secret to someone you care about. Now they have the power to destroy you, but they won't. This is what love is." - Cecil Baldwin

Five Senses.
Hearing, is for listening to your heart beat.
Touch, is for the fire that burns under your feet.
Sight, is to watch the fire burn.
Scent, is for breathing in the acrid smoke.
Taste, is to taste the blood on your tongue.
When one sense leaves,
As do the others.
Until you cannot hear your heart beat.
And you can’t feel the fire engulfing your body.
You can’t see the roaring flames burning the house.
You can’t smell the smoke that’s filled your nostrils.
Until you can’t taste the blood in your mouth.

The author's comments:
Five senses applied to someone trapped in a burning house.

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