Losing You | Teen Ink

Losing You

June 10, 2014
By kcooper BRONZE, Nedrow, New York
kcooper BRONZE, Nedrow, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes you make choices in life and sometimes choices make you."

Losing you was tragic,
something I couldn't deal.
Pain in my heart,
there was no time to heal.

Depression was what came first,
tears from all the pain.
Sadness expressed through emotion,
my tears dropped down like rain.

In denial came next,
I tell myself this isn't real.
The truth is hard to accept,
I really just can't deal.

I miss you everyday,
your image appears in my head.
I think of you with a heavy heart,
every night before bed.

You were the best,
the closest I had to a dad.
You filled a void for me,
for the place my father never had.

My uncle was a great man,
he always provided me with the best.
Forever resided in my heart,
as my uncle now lays at rest.

Accepting is still hard,
but I know you're at peace.
The memories that I have,
are what get me by at least.

The author's comments:
This poem was written during a time of great loss for me. I hope some of it's readers can relate.

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This article has 2 comments.

ZORBA said...
on Jun. 16 2014 at 12:03 am
Lovely poem directly`from the heart and yes I can relate sadly....Peace be with you and your family.

ZORBA said...
on Jun. 16 2014 at 12:00 am
Lovely poem, comes directly from the heart and yes I can relate sadly....