It's Kind of Funny, If You Think About It | Teen Ink

It's Kind of Funny, If You Think About It

July 23, 2014
By mindofthelabyrinth SILVER, Pilot Point, Texas
mindofthelabyrinth SILVER, Pilot Point, Texas
9 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;&#039;There&#039;s only one thing that&#039;s universal.&#039;<br /> &#039;What&#039;s that?&#039;<br /> &#039;The truth.&#039;&quot;<br /> -Deadline by Chris Crutcher

When all the lights go off at night
Do you ever find yourself thinking of forgotten things?
Or are you staring at your phone, looking through the few contacts you actually have, trying to find someone to talk to?
And when you do, you know that's also the first and last person you should be contacting
You're angry and your oxygen is metaphorically thinning and you can't help but stare at that screen until it goes dark
Just like everything else in your life
It's kind of funny, if you think about it
We all expect so much from people who will give so little
And all they do is hurt, and hurt you until you're broken and completely empty inside.
All of these things cross your mind,
When the lights go out at night.

The author's comments:
It says that I need to include something about myself in this piece, and quite frankly, I've already included my whole entire self into this poem and any other poem I've ever written. It's about the loss of someone I love and will always love. Till the end.

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