Why I took Creative Writing | Teen Ink

Why I took Creative Writing

September 21, 2014
By gympenguin GOLD, Park City, Utah
gympenguin GOLD, Park City, Utah
12 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
She decided to free herself, dance into the wind, create a new language. And birds fluttered around her writing "yes" into the sky.

There is a point when you have to put your thoughts on paper
But you don’t know how
You such to find a way to share
But something is not there
There needs to be a message
A point you get across
You just can’t find the perfect way to share your little world


These pictures of people dance in your head
Wanting to be brought to life by paper and pen
Wanting to say and do the things living people do
But you don’t have the courage, the strength
So they sit there and wait for you to make up your mind
Wether to write or just let them die
You just can’t find the perfect way to let them be heard


So you make a chose
Let them be heard
You will write down the words that dance in your head
But how will you ever get yourself to do that
You have spent all these years fighting yourself
How do you make a change
How do you open your mind to the world
Let them know what you think
So you sit there and think
Puzzled over it all
Why don’t you just let them die
Because they are a part of you
They deserve a chance
There is just not a perfect way to get yourself to share your little world


Then it comes to you
Why not a creative writing class
And it’s known how the story ends
Because you are now here
Ready to let your thoughts out
Ready to work
Ready to let your self be heard

The author's comments:

I wrote this peice for my creative writing class and I thought it came out pretty good so I decided to share it

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