I Forgot How to Smile | Teen Ink

I Forgot How to Smile

September 22, 2014
By Khali McDuff-Sykes BRONZE, Pflugerville, Texas
Khali McDuff-Sykes BRONZE, Pflugerville, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I forgot how to smile,

When all my rights were torn.

I forgot how to smile,

When my spirit was worn.

I forgot how to smile when my faith disintegrated into dust that couldn't quench my thirst.

When my sunken cheeks no longer resembled the beauty I once owned-

Or the beauty that kept my optimism in its right palm, and in the other the deepest recesses of my heart that I would never give to him...

My fingers that once painted gorgeous paintings press against my face, to somehow shelter me from reality.

I once dreamed of fame, now I desperately whisper prayers of survival,

And on top of that-

I forgot how to smile.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by Elie Wiesel's books. They struck something in my that I had not been in touch with for a while. I hope this makes people think. I don't wish to depress but make people feel something real. 

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