The Day Before | Teen Ink

The Day Before

October 2, 2014
By vanillandspice SILVER, Petaluma, California
vanillandspice SILVER, Petaluma, California
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

I've been here a long time

All these wasting years

Childhood begins to wear

A smile bearing tears

It's a treasure they all said

To be young and getting old

So I thought fondly of the future

In a mortal human mold

I became the person that I wanted

I ignored everything I heard

My ignorant bliss was undaunted

Until I learned forbidden word

When people speak in funny tripe

There's something behind it all

Meanings where there wasn't one begin to evolve 

And on the eve of that telling day

The one where angels sings

And where trumpets sound

Just then, we'll all pray

Dear God, forgive me of my sins

I forgot this day 

would come


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