That One Day | Teen Ink

That One Day

October 1, 2014
By 9viers BRONZE, Battle Creek MI, Minnesota
9viers BRONZE, Battle Creek MI, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
maybe okay is our forever

She cries herself to sleep,
exhausted  tired of everyone,
always telling her its going to be okay
and everything is alright.

Annoyed Tired of her so called ¨friends,¨
not being there when she needs them,
But Sshe fakes a smile everyday,
and everyone believes it.
Her friends never there.
Her family never cares.
Her life empty as a flowerless vase.

She sits alone at night and cries.
Her tears flow like the rain when it's storming
Realizing nobody was ever there .
Talking to her ceiling.
asking what's wrong with her.
Why no one cares anymore?

She wakes up,
puts on makeup
gazes in the mirror.
Realizing you can tell…
she’s was crying last night.
You can tell she suffering  hurt.
There is trouble pain in her eyes.
Begging, Begging, Begging to stay home.
Pleading, planning stalling,
But nothing is working.

Another day, Another chance to fake it.
When will it end?
When can she just be her?

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