Coffee Fool | Teen Ink

Coffee Fool

October 13, 2014
By Ebullient SILVER, New York, New York
Ebullient SILVER, New York, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What matters to you defines your mattering."

I am a coffee fool.

I was drawn in by the warm aroma.


So, I took a sip.


And instead of cascading across
My eager taste buds and
Down into my stomach,
It branched upward,
Rewiring my brain,
Tapping into my senses,
Manipulating my mind into
Believing this longing for caffeine;
A need for that immediately jolting swallow.


I didn’t need it.


I never needed it until I allowed
That miniscule stream to enter and
Transform my free will
Into a desperate dependence.


I tried to stop
When I was lucky enough to realize
The lack of control I had over my own body,
The games that were being played without my being aware.


I tried and…

Wretched alarms pounding vigorously at my temples,
Eyelids fluttering helplessly,
Thoughts processing,
Then fading sluggishly,
Images growing blurry,
Body screaming for a remedy
To relinquish the misery…
The remedy.


Each time,
Each pathetic attempt,
I gave in.


Why? Because…
I’m a coffee fool.

The author's comments:

This is a poem about my ridiculous addiction to coffee, haha. I never needed it, but now I can't function properly without it! It's the only way to really wake me up. So, I wrote about my reliance on the ole' cuppa joe.

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