Silence | Teen Ink


October 21, 2014
By CassFrass SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
CassFrass SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I rode in silence, alone on the road
Nothing but the sound of my tires on the asphalt and the static of the radio
A call came on my phone, startling me
I fumbled to catch the call, answering just in time
“Hello?” “Hello?”
I paused and waited for an answer while fear choked my throat
A trembled voices asks “Where are you?”
Home was the destination , I was tired from a long days work
Something seemed wrong
My heart pumped with fear at the thought of what might be the problem
Few words were said but none needed to be mentioned
I finally pulled into my driveway, running to enter my house
I opened the door to a pitch black house
A hunched over figure sat in the arm chair
It was my brother
My fear had come true
I grabbed the object out of the figure’s hands
My nervous fingers dialed 911
Never did I think this would happen to my family
I sat by my brother on the floor and waited for help
Sirens and lights finally filled the still air
Everything would be okay, but not right now

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