In Her Mind | Teen Ink

In Her Mind

October 24, 2014
By spookylin BRONZE, CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I feel whatever it is we are good.
I feel myself, comfortable, and looked at so beautifully.
I adore him so much,
And I hope he knows that too.
I can only hope he feels the same.
I miss him as soon as I leave him,
I hate it.
Maybe it’s a good feeling,
To care about someone.
It’s been so long since I’ve deeply cared about someone,
It scares me.
I’ve learned to accept happiness only last so long,
At least with the luck I have.
Maybe that’s what’s good about us.
We are both sad,
But together we are happy.
What other people say don’t bother me.
It doesn’t matter what those people think.
I’m not materialistic, I’m a real person.
Who genuinely cares about the people who matter.
Who feels alive on the inside,
Because her heart is content and pumping
With the assurance she has someone to make her smile.

The author's comments:

inspired by a boy who made me feel happy

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