Black | Teen Ink


October 26, 2014
By 99MarCol BRONZE, Savannah, Georgia
99MarCol BRONZE, Savannah, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I gave you the perfect words,
If I knew exactly what to say,
If I knew what you wanted to hear,
Could you paint the perfect picture of us
Where our functions are clear?


I’m so tired of being weak,
Weak enough for you to push me away
Without a second thought,
As you scream all the stars away
In such rage, such pain,
That I feel it ebb from miles away.


And after all these images cross your mind,
Will you think of me?
Would you allow me to kiss every scar
And weep upon your self-mutilated body?


I’ll show you that I can still feel,
I’ll give to you my beating heart
That barely keeps me alive.


If I gave you the perfect words,
If our functions were so clear,
Could you paint the perfect picture of us?

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