Meaning | Teen Ink


October 26, 2014
By 99MarCol BRONZE, Savannah, Georgia
99MarCol BRONZE, Savannah, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is meaning behind
Everything except one,
One thing, and that is
You; you act without
Discretion, you act on
Chance, you act as though
You despise me, and I am
Starting to abhor you too.
Does this make you truly
Happy? Everything is an
Illusion, I tread into the
Darkest recesses of my
Mind – my soul is dead, my
Heart has been fed to you
On a silver platter; I am
Waiting for you to give up
On me, to finally quit
Caring for there is no
Meaning behind it: I am
Digging my own grave.


Things are looking bleak,
I can feel my heart sink
And shatter against amber
Waves that lap the shores
Of my desolate body – I am
So alone despite millions
Being around me, all I feel
Is this emptiness: my mind
Has one track as I tread into
This darkness alone, I can
Only curse your name as
I drown beneath the weight
Of digging my own grave.

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