I hope I did this right | Teen Ink

I hope I did this right

November 9, 2014
By Crislaurys Torres GOLD, New York, New York
Crislaurys Torres GOLD, New York, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Telling me that it's over
Screwing me over
You're struggling to stay sober
Asking me to explain
I'm switching lanes
You're intentions were clear
Angry about what you lost
Forgot what seeking revenge might cost
Got what you wanted but still unsatisfied
So you took a blow
Still stooping low
I'm struggling to let go
You see me go through hell
You think things are still going well
Your hands grip around my wrist like the watch I refuse to take off
Times something you lacked
Always fantasizing about girls
Describing her curls
Hearing all of mess up things you think when you see her
You turn around and look me
Lie and try not to upset me
Saying it's only temporary
That great things you do for me are the only things that I fail to see
That's when your eyes look their lightest
Holding me tight knowing I can't fight it
Temptation ignited
Decisions poorly decided
Was offered help but I denied it
Hoping that you were right
Hoping you'd help me fight
All of the little demons that fill my head at night
You're the bottle of poison I shouldn't drink
The one thing that can alter what I think
I remember all the messed up things you made me do
I trusted you
I spoke you
And the worse part of this all is
That I'm still in love with you..

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