Colors | Teen Ink


November 11, 2014
By Kimberly Stanczak SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Kimberly Stanczak SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are the color red,
that screams my name
with a sense of desire
yet, flows as soft as a lullaby.

You are the color orange,
funny, charming, and with a hint of devil in your eyes
telling me jokes that are not funny,
but I laugh anyway.
I tell you these jokes so I can hear you laugh, you say.

You are the color yellow,
calm, even in the most stressful situations
like when I argue with my father and cry to you
over the phone.
You tell me, It will be alright.

You are my favorite color,
green and smell like the earth.
You are like a tree, wise and peaceful
even when I start to yell at you.

You are the color blue
like the ocean,
yet roaring beneath.
You say, It is because of you that my sadness disappears.

You are the color purple,
adventurous like you could jump out of a plane.
You took me out of my comfort zone
and got me into traveling,
because of you I want to go to Asia, England, and even Iceland.

You are the color pink,
sweet like the frosting on Simone’s 1st birthday cake.
You are innocent as a child would be
when they know they have done something bad,
yet brave when the color black.

You are the color black,
pitch black like the color of your eyes.
I cry sometimes
when you cannot control your anger.
You told me that when you get mad
you see nothing but darkness.
You say that your soul would be a shade darker than black
if it were possible.

But to me,
you are all of the colors,
especially the color white
like snow or a blank piece of paper.
I believe God has sent you to help me
because to me, your soul is pure
and filled with good.
I believe you were sent to me
to be my guardian angel and to guide my way
but you say, I am no angel, for you are mine.

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