The real zombies | Teen Ink

The real zombies

November 1, 2014
By ellehm SILVER, Tyrone, Pennsylvania
ellehm SILVER, Tyrone, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a sunny, blissy day. Whatever could go wrong? Wait and see
School campus was always like that, green and peaceful
"It's Melissa! What's wrong with her poise?"
Naturally came and checked it out
After the pad on her shoulder, I realized the most freaking out moment had come
Wicked in her smile, white and blank as her soul
OMG, she had turned into zombie
Following instinct, I ran for help
Hoping it was not too late
However hopes and dreams hardly come true
Everyone could tell, it was over
The odd must be assimilated
"You haven't finished your homework?"
A zombie approached
"You will have a test tomorrow!"
Another zombie came
"You have broken the record of achieving the most D's in my class!"
Now, groups of zombie were there
Then, I was surrounded with zombies
One of my worst nightmares
Wait a minute,
It's a nightmare
So get out of it
Get up!!!
All of a sudden, I woke up and zombies had all gone
However, the real zombies were still there
My piles of homework were still waiting
Great, the only thing to destroy those zombies
Was to finish them
Oh well, I entered another battle...

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