Gifts from Above | Teen Ink

Gifts from Above

November 14, 2014
By E-Z-P-Z SILVER, Cambridge, Massachusetts
E-Z-P-Z SILVER, Cambridge, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do not go where the path may lead. Instead go where there is no path and leave a trail.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

The new Amigos School building

at 15 Upton Street

is in many ways


to the old, mostly demolished one

at 101 Kinnaird.

But there is one improvement.

The ceilings at 101 Kinnaird

are shy

and reluctant to share

their wealth of knowledge.

But the Upton Street ceilings

are generous

and willing to give the Answers

to a Select Few.


The ELA ceiling

writes long messages

written neatly on the grid lines

in elegant cursive

that drone on

and on

and on

that nearly lull me

into a slumber

like the repetitive waves

of the ocean.


The SLA ceiling

like a strict teacher

says “get on task!”

and rarely gives advice.


The Social Studies ceiling

wants me to do the work

and gives short, cryptic answers

scrawled carelessly

across the plaster

in English

leaving me

to translate.

This Ceiling enjoys

making fun

of Mr. Batt,


about all the things

he fails to notice.


The ceiling of Science

has quickly learned

to give memos rarely

and sneakily

so as not to attract the attention

of Ms. Ferhani.


The ceiling of the Math classroom

is sharp and pointy

quick with its solutions

very moody.


Other ceilings

surprise me

with rare messages

when I have nothing to do.

Even the gymnatorium

talked with me once.


I don’t know

how it’s possible

but occasionally,

I simply have an urge

to look up

and there’s writing

on the ceiling,


that will come in handy

sometime today.


I don’t know

why no one else

except for Kalier

can see them,

But all the answers

are on the ceiling.

The author's comments:

About the references in this poem: I go to an english-spanish bilingual school, so Social Studies class is in spanish. ELA stands for English Language Arts and SLA stands for Spanish Language Arts.

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