The Ultimate Victory | Teen Ink

The Ultimate Victory

November 21, 2014
By KeyannaK. BRONZE, Warren, Pennsylvania
KeyannaK. BRONZE, Warren, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Freedom is the freedom to say two plus two make four." - From the novel 1984 by George Orwell

Eventually, does the pain go away

When it becomes to much to bear

Does it torment you till you're an inch from death

Then withdrawls, leaving nothing left

A numb, empty shadow of what once was

Are you better off there?


Would you rather burn in flames

Then float in empty space?

Neither way will help you through

When the reaper comes for you

So what's the better way

To go and meet your maker.


I would rather walk through the fire

Than go one day numb

My pain makes me who I am.

Without it I am nothing.


I will never stop fighting

I will always die trying

I will not let them defeat me

They will eventually end me

But I'll still be me

And I'll have the ultimate victory.

The author's comments:

For a long time, I tried to not get angry, or sad, or disapointed but when I did that I went into a pretty long depression because I now realized if you won't feel the pain then when happier times come along you won't be able to appreciate the happier feelings as they come. I decided to write about it because even though I feel those awful feeling as they come, I'm able to get through them and I'm more positive about it. I've come to accept the bad days and enjoy the good days. Neither last forever, they might last a few years before they switch. As long as there are bad days, there will be good days. You just need to have hope for the good days as they come.

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