Blood | Teen Ink


November 17, 2014
By Merkayrah BRONZE, Northfield, New Hampshire
Merkayrah BRONZE, Northfield, New Hampshire
3 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I was always worried someone would notice me, and then when no one did, I felt lonely." -Prep

Watching the blood flow gently out of my wound
Slowly sliding down my arm
I imagine what would happen
With just one more slice of the blade

How much more could my body lose?
How much pain could I take?
How much longer until I'm totally numb?
How much more of this will I suffer?

Another swift swipe of the blade
Another torn part of my body
The air fills with the scent of iron
It almost seems beautiful
Except that it's so f---ing ugly.

I just want it to be over.

The author's comments:

A lot of emotion was put into this... Tears rolled down my reddened cheeks while I wrote. 

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