It Was Worth It | Teen Ink

It Was Worth It

January 18, 2015
By TeenageWoes GOLD, Richardson, Texas
TeenageWoes GOLD, Richardson, Texas
13 articles 0 photos 2 comments

You need to hide who you are
Under layers and layers
Of meaningless nothingness
Your bright star of a soul
Constantly covered by clouds of suppression
Our clouds may look different
But they are all the same
Only meant to block out the light
To block out the beauty
The beautiful gem inside cannot be seen
All that can be observed by the eye
Is the crusty, dirty rock covering it
Why must you live like this?
In pain, in agony
Oppressed by the blind world
Subjected to scrutiny
Solely based on that meaningless cloud
That meaningless rock
That meaningless cover
But, there will come a day
When you meet another cloud
With a beautiful star
You may never see
But it sees yours
A glimpse, a small ray of light
Radiating from you
It will understand just how beautiful
How mesmerizing you truly are
But you may never know for yourself
So it will work day and night for an eternity
Chipping away the rock
Pushing away the cloud
You are free
You are magnificent
But it knew that
Even before that star, that gem
Was set free
So, if you feel like an aimless cloud
A useless rock
Dying for a change in the world
Have patience
And when that cloud, that rock
Comes into your life
You will know
That all of this was worth it

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