*survivor* | Teen Ink


January 27, 2015
By poetic_angel GOLD, Stephentown, New York
poetic_angel GOLD, Stephentown, New York
11 articles 9 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
The world is the reason all people change but it only takes one person to change the world <br /> ~me

You're my best friend
I couldn't survive if your life came to an end
You were addicted to the blood that you bled
As the pale slate is replaced with cuts of red
Your arms and legs damaged from the thoughts in your head
I'd like to believe you were saved by the words that I said
But I can't convince myself that without me you'd be dead
Im having this nightmare I'll wake up and you'll be without a pulse in bed
It makes me so enlightened to know that you're a survivor instead
You have always been so strong
When I wanted to let go you held on
You looked for an escape in a poem or a song
Finally found release by rewriting the wrong
I'm always gonna be by your side that's  a promise I'll keep forever
Even if we haven't known each other that long

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