I remember | Teen Ink

I remember

January 27, 2015
By toomuch511 SILVER, Welch, Minnesota
toomuch511 SILVER, Welch, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember the first day
The day that changed Everything
I was frightened but curious

I remember his sense of humor
The summer before that day had been rough
But he made me laugh

I remember the smell of his favorite sweater
All the laughs, smiles and hidden touches
Every secret too

I remember the misery
The tears, the begging and the hidden scratches
The way his eyes sparkled when he cried

I remember loving him
I hope he didn’t forget our little dragon
The music with him was heaven

I remember being scared and betrayed
I have never cried so much before
He choose my best friend instead

I remember wanting to tear my heart out
I remember wanting to rip my eyes out
I remember wanting to pull him apart

I remember the anger
Hurting those around me wasn’t enough
So I had to hurt him

I remember his pain
But it felt wonderful to see him cry like I did
I almost killed him again

I remember him healing
I couldn’t let that happen
I gave him false hope that we could be together

I remember him being overjoyed
Then I crushed him once more
His hope His dreams

I remember that he has moved on
And I am ok with that
I know that he is not in my future

But I remember

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