Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 5, 2015
By epw16 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
epw16 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Impossible is nothing.

I am from long car rides
a mother who carries my name through two marriages,
I am from tiring nights, waking hours

I am from a broken marriage.
A selfish, and selfless brother,
I am from a brother who looked out for me, would always protect me.

I am from a father who has two daughters.
A broken marriage.
I am the half-blood brother of two girls.

I am from a stepfather
A man with potential to be a great father.
I am from another broken marriage.

I am from two broken marriages on my mother’s side and one from my fathers.
He married a step-mother who acts as if she knows the real me.
I am from uncomfortable visits with my step-mother.

I am from the first marriage,
A broken marriage, like all the rest of them.
I am from the crying eyes of a still depressed mother.

I am from a jump-started second marriage.
A step-father who cried as he hugged me goodbye.
I am from long car rides and another broken marriage.

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