Becoming older | Teen Ink

Becoming older

February 6, 2015
By Blahwaa BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Blahwaa BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from country and suburbs meeting.
I am from the chance taken to meet their wife.
The days spent being there when my brother and I need it.
I am from a life with three brothers of which are older.

I am from a town, we're never leaving.
I am from our imagination playing through our heads.
The crafts and the warm and windy summer days spent to make us squeal with laughter when our friends came to play.
I am from a life of our brothers getting older.

I am from my cats, purring.
I am from the filling of my bike tires after trips.
The biking trips riding around town with my friends.
I am from my brothers leaving, because they are getting older.

I am from my warm windy summer days,
   My squeals of laughter.
     My purring cats.
       My empty bike tires.
All fading away as I get older.

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