Poem For Her | Teen Ink

Poem For Her

February 11, 2015
By ah_banana BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
ah_banana BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Your best teacher is your last mistake..."

We've Been friends for a while, she never fails to make me smile.

My feelings for her continue to grow, if only I could let her know.

But I can't tell her, she wouldn't get it, and if I did I'd probably regret it.

Cause she is straight and I am gay, it always ends up the same way.

She says she loves me, just as a friend, and then I'm stuck holding all my feelings for her in. 


She doesn't see herself like the way I do, the beauty she holds and her efforts true.

She shouldn't listen to anyone else, because she needs is to be herself.


I will try again and again, to win her heart, even if I don't win. 

I promised to be by her side, through every bump, and every stride.

So tell me love, how did I do, did you realize that this is for you.

The author's comments:

This poem means the most to me out of all my work, mainly because I put most of my emotions into it. It's about how I liked my best friend and how it wasn't recipricated back.

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