Dear my friend | Teen Ink

Dear my friend

February 26, 2015
By Skinnnnn BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Skinnnnn BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
The hardest part of holding on is letting go

Dear my friend ,

   you were my Aqua lad to my Barnacle boy . together till the end . those magnificent practical jokes you'd love to spill . you called it the 7th circle of hell , although is was merely a hospital . we never dwelled on the doubt it was absolutely hell worthy . yet my eye sight have gotten blurry I am reminded of the beauty in your thick glasses , I thought , they helped you see the cruel world clearly .  unfairly you left , all too soon . as once you told me I had fallen from the circle without a goodbye , oh how the tables have turned . only now with no return , I miss you .. Francine and Robert was our names on that Halloween we spent together nothing could kill our joy . we created this wonderful history of a old hippe couple , stories like we'd been through it all . we shoveled all our pain aside that day , our smiles shinned through the thick walls of isolation . you know , I could never understand why you didn't like your reflection . you were always beautiful ; the way your smile opened up the gates to laughter and your perfect teeth , the way I saw your eyes through your magical lenses . you were so beautiful laying there in that casket , even though your youthful eyes were shut for good I thought " you still got it kid " . do you remember , when we wrote that fiction story of escape ? yours was so clever , even though that never became anything but a really great inside joke , we still wished for the guts . and still I live to remember rock bottom didn't hurt so much when you were around . the climb down was different for us , I now see there was more buried underneath . I knew you were hurt , and so was I . in the beginning I blurted out " why !?" but how dare I ? I believe that there's no more pain were you are , and you can finally be free , I'll see you on the other side later in time . no I don't agree , it feels like I just sailed a Dead Sea . we weren't sick in the head my friend , just misunderstood .
sincerely ,
Kalei .

The author's comments:

Well , on jan 22 2015 , I lost my closest friend to suicide . It was extremely hard , I wrote this poem for her . It's personal and includes a lot of personal jokes . Her and I met in a mental hospital , we lived there for a month and she called it the 7th circle of hell . Years later we continued to be friends . I miss her so much ..

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