whisper to myself | Teen Ink

whisper to myself

April 9, 2015
By rachelwittwer BRONZE, Loveland, Ohio
rachelwittwer BRONZE, Loveland, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Whisper to myself, it's how I fall asleep
little voices and letters playing on repeat
don't dare to block them out
Ignoring the whispers will make them shout
they are not right, keep telling yourself
whispers again, focus on myself
ridiculing and taunting, I am not enough
where are you when I'm in need of your help?
I'm eroding and dissapearing under your nose
you can't see that I have no where to go

Whisper to myself, it's how I fall asleep
it's no surprise, talk is still cheap
you brought the whispers, that I cannot forgive
my smile and heart is all I could give
I miss you everyday but I am not alone
listen closely you'll hear them groan.

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