Hiking Through Memories | Teen Ink

Hiking Through Memories

April 24, 2015
By joewilde88 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
joewilde88 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cruising down Highway C with the windows down, the cool air fills the car. You can hear the sound of  ruffling as you pass the multitude of trees towering over from each side of the road. Near arrival the tower is visible, excitement tingles in my nerves. Coming to the entrance I can already picture the long grassy fields, hilly leaf ridden trails, and the small bodies of water. The need to see it all is great, but Lapham and it great nature seems endless.
A man hands me a parking pass  ”Have a good day sir.”, he says with delight. Lapham Peak located at  W 329 N 846, in Delafield, WI and it has provided me with days both of sorrow and feelings of exhilaration. Instantly after getting a parking pass we start an uphill climb to the main attraction, the Lapham Peak Tower. Photographers, couples, and families all congregate around the tower prior to hiking. Those who aim to see the true beauty of Wisconsin courageously make their way to the highest point of the tower. From sunrise to sunset sightseers come from all around to experience the miraculous colors from either the leafs or suns rays.
From before I could remember until now Lapham has always brought my family together. From spontaneous hikes to jog the mind away from tragedy, to just spending family time. Lapham will always provide more meaning than just a hiking trail for me.

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