Forgetting Love | Teen Ink

Forgetting Love

April 24, 2015
By Kayleen.Woodcock15 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Kayleen.Woodcock15 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live life like Emma Dalton.

She was here and you were happy,
now shes gone and you are miserable.
You had your whole life with one
women to call your wife
one women your kids could call mom
one women to be the Grandma to your grandchildren.

Married for 31 years
but dating for three years before that.
Diagnosed with cancer at year 25 of your marriage.
You stuck with her, pushing her
so you wouldn’t lose her.
You never lived alone
only with her
You love her no matter what.

Your wife dies and I am now sad
to call you uncle,
embarrassed to call you family.
Not because you gave up, which you didn’t.
It is because 3 months after
you start dating.

My Grandfather, your only brother,
doesn’t know about her until your 8 month anniversary.
2 weeks after we all find out you’re engaged.
I just know one thing,
I am not calling her aunt
because she could never compare.

My aunt is dead and
you moved on right away,
while the rest of the family is still grieving,
wishing she was still here
with us
but shes gone.

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