Two Fierce Felines | Teen Ink

Two Fierce Felines

May 19, 2015
By ValerieH SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
ValerieH SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only two who entertain me. I am the only one who watches them. Two fierce felines with large eyes and relaxed muscles like mine. Two who do not worry much but are much. Two mysterious creatures brought by the cage. From my bed, I can feel them, but Father just ignores and doesn’t examine such things.
Their paws are powerful. They stalk silently; mice hidden in grass. They pounce up and they fall down and land on dirt beneath their tough pads and rip the flesh with bloody teeth and never release their prey. This is how they play.
Let one forget his reason for killing, they’d all thrive like waves in an ocean, each with their wings stretched to another. Smack, smack, smack their lips when I watch. They know.
When I stand too amazed and too satisfied to keep intruding, when I am a noise maker against the silence demanded, then it is I smile at cats. When there is nothing left to watch be killed this day. Two who hunt despite failure. Two who balance and do not fall in balance. Two whose only reason is to kill and kill.

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