A Weeping Willow | Teen Ink

A Weeping Willow

May 18, 2015
By McJaylyn BRONZE, Reno, Texas
McJaylyn BRONZE, Reno, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We must use the weapon of love. We must have understanding and compassion for those who hate us.&quot;<br /> Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.

Just as a soft storm leaves a delicate drizzle,
So does the drizzle leave a weeping willow.
No fruit to bare in it’s drooping locks;
A half-hearted shade, a shredded shield.
As the bride cries of desperate demise
For the groom growing to doom,
A weeping willow weeps for gloom,
Never blossoming another bloom.
After storms are beckoned by,
And drizzles done and dry,
The weeping willow weeps alone
Forever, wet or dry.

The author's comments:

Jakob is a young writer who prefers to write only when he feels truly inspired.  His poetry calls out to the essence of beauty and truth in the world to be brought to light so that it may be better understood and more greatly appreciated by the inhabitants of the world.  His favorite writing conditions include sitting on the front porch during a great thunderstorm at his small town home in Northeast Texas.

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