Poetry in a Palm Tree | Teen Ink

Poetry in a Palm Tree

May 20, 2015
By Ben Altschuler BRONZE, Coconut Creek, Florida
Ben Altschuler BRONZE, Coconut Creek, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A poem is like a coconut
with a hard shell
and layers of puzzling structure

opening a poem required tools and persistence,
to dig through the tangled husk to find the core-
where you know you’ve hit gold,
or found an invasive bug

but, there are only so many species,
so many bugs

but once you dig through the infested structure,
you find meaning and life,
or a core of savoury and delight

so take your coconuts, one at a time,
and bring your bugs,
and find the meaning inside it all,

to find your coconut,
your poem

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