My Rock | Teen Ink

My Rock

June 1, 2015
By Kayleen.Woodcock15 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Kayleen.Woodcock15 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live life like Emma Dalton.

It has been almost four years.
Four years ago I was in the hospital
room waiting for you to walk in.

Waiting for you to come see my broken
arm that looked like a goose neck. All I wanted
was you, my rock in life.

I wanted the guy that has been there for me for
fifteen years. The one who forgave me for goofing around
when I shouldn’t be.

The one I can tell anything to, drama or stories,
without him judging me or making fun of me.
The one who comforts me after horrible news.

Owner of the house I go to when I am to
scared to come out of the darkness and hiding
from life. The one that gives me strength.

My rock in life is the one guy I can not live
without. Who tests the guys I bring home to
see if he can trust them with his baby girl.

I cannot live without the guy that I can make
me laugh when I am sad, or the one that has
nerf gun wars with me.

My rock in life is you, the old man that can’t go
a day without talking to his little girl. That needs a hug
everytime I leave his house. 

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