Understanding | Teen Ink


July 6, 2015
By JacksonH BRONZE, årmonk, New York
JacksonH BRONZE, årmonk, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We are all the sons and daughters of time, so I thank the universe for making me alive here. -Ray Bradbury

It knew not what
it was capable of.
It knew not, but not the kind of not knowing like not understanding,
or even the kind of not knowing like accepting:
it knew not. From sender to receiver, it flew.
It left tiny ripples in the air, like a wake on the lake that the boats made in summer,
but no one else noticed them. It was all a little slower for me.
It struck, punctured.
It was wasn’t gory this time, like in the movies where
they slowly bleed out, gasping and crying.
It was more simple; I guess they could be thankful for that. When
It kissed her left temple,
her had went limp in his.
She fell.
The tiny disturbances it made in the air now
vibrated through the ground via the thud of her body.
They taught me in science that energy is transferred from form to form
until it’s lost into space
It had no idea, no clue, it was meant for him.
As it lodged in her skull, she and it became one,
equally unknowing. He took the burden.
His tears tumbled down
his face as
he cried
Feeling but not understanding.

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