There's Something About the Stars | Teen Ink

There's Something About the Stars

August 20, 2015
By haliexreece BRONZE, Glenwood Springs, Colorado
haliexreece BRONZE, Glenwood Springs, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All alone under the stars, the world is gone for now, the grass as our bed, flowers on our heads,smiling as we do. We slowly slip away into a pure happiness, its crazy how in the dark I can finally see the light, the pain is somehow gone, at least for tonight, these beautiful burning flames, the ones that hide all day, fill my world with a unique delight. oh the stars, oh how I love the stars, for they are as i am, only noticed when days are dark, only loved when others grievee, for if i am like the stars, then maybe i will be a star, maybe i will get to shine, when life isn't so bad maybe one day. then the black soon turns to blue and the sun replaces the moon and the stars don't shine ...please, please let the stars come back.

The author's comments:

Im sorry if this is terrible

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